It cut so deep into the head
Makes it harder for you to put it into words.
Moods become as unpredictable as the weather.
You feel so good for a minute and the next it is the other way around.
For a second, you feel so strong, unstoppable, outstanding, and excited, the next minute, you feel lost, vulnerable with very low self-esteem.

Am I really good enough?
Why do I look this way? (my face, my body e.t.c)
Why can’t I ever be loved right?
I probably shouldn’t hang out, I don’t fit in.
I don’t think I am worth it, I should just stay low.

These are just a bit of the random things the voices in our head say to us(depends on what you are insecure about).
Then the mood swings set in, you’re now stuck between answering all the questions in your head or ignoring them.

This’s what being insecure feels like. It is an inner feeling of being threatened and/or inadequate in some way. At some point in our life, we’ve all felt insecure about something, which is quite normal but it becomes bad when it gets too much and can sabotage one’s success in life, particularly one’s intimate relationship ’cause insecurity feeds one’s mental health issues like depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety so I will be stating few ways to stop this feeling and building your self-esteem.

1)step away
2)Affirm your value
3)prioritize your needs
4)challenge your thoughts
5)Embrace the awkward and reflect on the good.
6)keep good company and make time for joy.
And one thing I want you to always remember is that ”No one is perfect, that’s why pencils have erasers and winning doesn’t always mean being first ”.

Thank you so much for reading through, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year 🥰Lot of love from pecky❤️ Byeee 👋

Published by A talk with pecky.

My name is Olokor Peculiar🌹 I am from Delta state but I was born and brought up in Lagos. Well, I am just a young and ambitious lady, very strong and resilient✊ I am a lady who is trying to live a life that the young ones can emulate, and most of all I am a voice that needs to be heard!!!!❤️👑✊👸

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